
日期: 2024-05-09  来源:  点击数:  
upset forging 镦粗
Electric Resistance Welded(ERW) 电阻焊
Yield Ratio 成材率
bainite 贝氏体
austenitic 奥氏体的
austenite 奥氏体
martensite 马氏体
martensitic 马氏体的
air-hardening steel 空气淬硬钢 steel that because of its high alloy content will form martensite when cooled in air from the austenitic state.
balanced steel 半镇静钢,半脱氧钢
killed steel 镇静钢
electric arc furnace(EAF) 电弧炉
bend test 弯曲测试
billet 钢坯 A semi-finished long product, it can be produced from the hot rolling of a bloom, or by continuous casting directly.
bloom 钢坯 a semi-finished long product, it can be produced from the hot rolling of ingot or continuous casting.
blast furnace 鼓风炉
Brinell hardness 布氏硬度
Carbides 碳化物
carbon equivalent 碳当量
carbonitriding 碳氮共渗
case-hardening 表面硬化
cast iron 铸铁,生铁
cementite 渗碳体
Charpy test 夏比测试(冲击测试的一种)
impact test 冲出测试
cold drawing 冷拉
cold rolled(cold reduced) 冷轧
continuous casting 连铸
oxidation 氧化
decarburization 脱碳
critical temperature 临界温度
decoiling and cutting to length 开卷/开平至长度
deoxidation 去氧
drop forging 落锤锻造
Electro Slag Remelting(ESR) 电渣重溶/电渣精炼
Electro Slag Refining(ESR) 电渣重溶/电渣精炼
Elongation 伸长率
ductility 延展性
end quench test 端部淬硬测试
Jominy test  顶端淬火试验
etching 蚀刻
extrusion 挤压
ferrite 铁素体
flame hardening 火焰淬火/火焰表面硬化
free cutting steel 易切削钢 with specific additions normally S and Pb to improve machinability.
galvanize/galvanized 镀锌/镀锌的
grain size 晶粒度
grinding removal of material from a work-piece surface using a grinding wheel or abrasive belt.
hardenability 淬透性
heat resisting steel 耐热钢
non-metallic inclusion 非金属夹杂
induction hardening 感应淬火
laser cutting and welding 激光切割/激光焊接
machinability 机械加工性/切削性
macrostructure 宏观结构 the structure of metals as seen when viewed with the naked eye or at low magnification.
microstructure 微观结构
magnetic particle testing 磁粉探伤
magnetic powder inspection 磁粉探伤
Non-destructive testing(NDT) 无损检验
open hearth furnace 平炉
oxidation 氧化
oxide 氧化物
pickling 酸洗
pre-heating 预热
over heating 过热
reduction of area 断面收缩率
residual stress 残余应力
rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度
ruling section 等效断面,等圆断面
strain ageing 应变时效,应变老化
stress relieving 去应力
tensile strength 拉伸强度
toughness 韧性
roughness 粗糙度
transformation 弯形
deforming 弯形
Ultrasonic inspection 超声波检验
Vacuum Arc Remelting(VAR) 真空电弧重溶
Vacuum degassing 真空脱气
wrought iron 熟铁,锻铁
pig iron 生铁
yield 屈服
yield point 屈服点
yield strength 屈服强度
diameter 直径
thickness 厚度

